Week 9

MID TERM: Design Technology

My direction for the Design Technology website is based on research and planning done for the client. Much of the layout and design were based on the feature set of the websites content.

The main focus of the site was to deliver information without the user having to navigate through multiple pages. The goal is for the user to be able to get to a desired page of information within 3 clicks inside the website itself.

The homepage contains a featured content slider for Design Technology highlights and 3 specific types of navigation.

Except for the home page which is divided into 3 sections, the main “header” navigation, Right side “user” navigation, and bottom “footer” navigation. The content pages are divided into four sections throughout the website . Header navigation (main site navigation), left navigation (selected content navigation), Right navigation (user focused navigation), and footer navigation (site focused navigation). The central area of content on the page becomes the focus of the user displaying the content chosen with each click. Each panel of navigation cross promotes each other so that the user can navigate without having to use the browsers back or forward buttons. Linked keywords through out the sites central area of content also further reinforce linking of pages.

Site Map

Option 1

Option 2

Final Choice

Final Landing Page

Week 08

Design Technology Website Comps

Here are works in progress. Each are home page comps.

Week 07



Week 6

Web Redesign 2.0: Develop Site Structure 04

Wire Frames = Are like storyboards for a website. These are non-design-oriented (no colors, shapes, content). All that is shown are rough placers where graphic and content will be placed. Wire frames help to establish information hierarchy.

Defining Key User Paths = If your site does not require the user to do anything task oriented like fill out a form, loggia in, or purchase something, you do not need to define user paths. Defining user paths are only part of sites that require pages to relate to the next page in a sequence.


Web Redesign 2.0: Develop Site Structure 04

A site map is = A site map is a visual representation of the sites structure, organization, flow, and content. It is a representation of the entire project.

Naming conventions = There are two types of naming conventions, organizational/numerical and HTML naming.


Web Redesign: Develop Site Structure 04

The three views are = Site-View, Page-View, and User-View.
The differences are = The Site-View sets the overall structure as a blueprint of the site. The Page-View is about how the copy and navigation are visually organized for the user. The User-View is the relationship of one page to the next, including what the user may do while on the site.

Content Audit = Involves evaluating all pieces of content that is relevant to the site redesign.


Web Redesign 2.0: Phase 1 Define the Project

Overall goals = some of the overall goals are to give the campus and its programs/degrees a sense of affordability. To make the campus, staff, and students seem friendly and in a cutting edge environment.

Project plan = The project plan is a deliverable. It serves as a detailed overview of the work involved, how it will be done, and what will be charged for the work done. The client acknowledges they understand what the team is about to take on their behalf by agreeing to the project plan.

Documentation = Keep track of time. Save all email approvals and be sure to get client sign offs for those approvals. Keep track of all documentation per project with a  project binder or file. Print all emails related to budget, scope, sign-offs, and change requests.

Additional Charges = An additional charge form should be issued to document changes in scope and additions to features not originally planned.

Scheduling = Scheduling task can either be made as an overview (chronological method) or detailed (dated/itemized deliverables).

Visual Designer = Creates graphics that communicate finished concepts (high design / rich graphics).

Information Designer = Creates structural graphics from concepts into functional schematics (wire frames)

Staging Area = Serves as a hub of communication for the project being worked on with a client staging site and development area.

Kick Off Meeting = Its important to have an agenda ready along with the Project Plan, Overview, Schedule, Deliverables, and Details/assumptions papers.


Web Redesign: Define the project 03 | Analyzing  your competition 10 

Formal industry analysis = For large competitive industries with large budgets. An analysis that involves enormous research and delivered in a large detailed document usually done by a marketing-strategy team.

Informal analysis =  Focuses on an aspect of market analysis, primarily positioning through the users experience online in relation to design goals.

Features = May include, site-wide search, Email, video, flash and other.

Areas of rating =  Overal experience, Functionality, and Look and feel.



Web Redesign: 02 Core Design Process

There are 5 core process that inlovlve the following phases:

1. Define the project

2. Develop Structure

3. Design Visual Interface

4. Build and integrate

5. Launch and beyond


Scope Creep = When the scope of your project widens due to added changes throughout the project.

Content Delay = To Combat content delay, create a content delivery plan and hire a content manager.

QA Testing =  QA stands for Quality Assurance, to test for issues that may arise in the design process.

Smart Design = Putting the “users” perspective on how the site is used before yours is smart design.

Web Redesign: 03 Define the Project

Discovery = Involves gathering site, user, and industry information for the site design.

Good Clients = Delivers content on time and establishes contact for content resources. Also signs off on approvals in a timely manner.

Red Flag Client = Indecisive and does not establish consistent contact for resourcs. Also wants to handle creative or production aspects to save money.

Audience Profile = A paragraph about a visitor type, describing who they are and what they do as a real person.

Understanding Audience Capabilities = Is more of a technical idea on technical site requirements for individual users such as bandwidth, accessibility, and technology (flash, Javascript, etc.)


I like wordpress!